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Monday, April 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Lap Band Work Out: what all should be considered for calculating working out of lap band
Working out of Lap Band is outstanding. But the criteria for calculating the working out of Lap Band is not only the results it ultimately gives, there are other things also, which are to be considered before calculating working out of Lap Band like post-operative complications etc. Lap Band Surgery is entirely adjustable and reversible. Lap Band can be said to be adjustable in the sense that it can be adjusted whenever the adjustment is required. The holding capacity of food of the stomach can be increased or decreased according to the need of the patient. The adjustments are also called ‘fills’ and how the fills are made will be discussed later. The Lap Band is reversible in the sense that Lap Band can be removed if anyhow the Lap Band does not suit the patient, though this is uncommon for Lap Band Surgery patients. Though all the weight loses procedures can reduce your weight but what matters is that how all it happens and up to what extent the patient will have to suffer from complications and demerits of the weight lose surgery.
Fills are made by injecting the saline water into the access port of the Lap Band. To make fills no surgery or making incisions is required, it is done from the outside of the stomach. Lap Band is viable and less invasive as compared to other procedures to lose weight. No cutting or stapling of stomach is done in Lap Band Surgery Lap Band Surgery becomes more efficient when it is done Laparoscopically. Inserting Lap Band through Laparoscopic Method around the stomach does not require long incisions like Open Surgery. Only some small incisions are made, which helps to protect blood loss and the fear of infection also reduces. Some post-operative complications like nausea, vomiting, gastro esophageal reflux, stoma obstruction, constipation, dysphasia, diarrhea, and abnormal stools can be treated. Patient can get back to work after having Lap Band Surgery soon as compared to other weight lose surgeries. The prescriptions given by the doctor are also not too much hard to follow and later you get into the habit of them. When you compare all the things about Lap Band Surgery and other weight lose surgeries you would feel the difference between them.
Fills are made by injecting the saline water into the access port of the Lap Band. To make fills no surgery or making incisions is required, it is done from the outside of the stomach. Lap Band is viable and less invasive as compared to other procedures to lose weight. No cutting or stapling of stomach is done in Lap Band Surgery Lap Band Surgery becomes more efficient when it is done Laparoscopically. Inserting Lap Band through Laparoscopic Method around the stomach does not require long incisions like Open Surgery. Only some small incisions are made, which helps to protect blood loss and the fear of infection also reduces. Some post-operative complications like nausea, vomiting, gastro esophageal reflux, stoma obstruction, constipation, dysphasia, diarrhea, and abnormal stools can be treated. Patient can get back to work after having Lap Band Surgery soon as compared to other weight lose surgeries. The prescriptions given by the doctor are also not too much hard to follow and later you get into the habit of them. When you compare all the things about Lap Band Surgery and other weight lose surgeries you would feel the difference between them.
Negative Effects Of Lap Band Surgery: Know The Other Side Of Lap Band Surgery
No doubts Lap Band Surgery is doing wonders. Results of Lap Band Surgery have no match with other methods to lose weight, but with the quality of reducing weight, it has some negative effects also. Negative effects mean the troubles and pains which the patient has to suffer from. Troubles and pains associated with the Lap Band Surgery are complications and guidelines which are to be followed by the patient. Guidelines means working out for at least 30 minutes everyday, staying away from your favorite thing like cakes, chips, syrups, honey, cookies, pies, pastries, rice, shrimp, pasta, seeded fruits, dried fruit, peanut butter, nuts and vegetables.
Lap Band is more risky for the people above 45 year. They may have risk of their lives also. Number of complications may appear after Lap Band Surgery. Some of those complications are Abdominal hernias, Bloating, Bowel obstruction, Cardiac problems, Close monitoring of food intake, Complicated and dangerous procedures, Death, Depression, Dizziness, Excess skin, Excess sweating, Financial distress, Gallstones, Gas, Hair loss or thinning of hair, Increased risk of other medical complications, Infections, Leaks or perforations causing internal infection, Marital and relationship distress, Nausea, Nutritional deficiencies, Opening later proves to be too small or too large, Psychological distress, Risk increases for age, Spleen injury or tear, Temporarily avoiding pregnancy, Uncomfortable and embarrassing procedures, Vomiting, and Wound infection etc.
Lap Band is inflatable, silicon, prosthetic device in which a round silicon device is connected to the access port through a tube. Round part of Lap Band is placed around the stomach to divide the stomach into two parts, leaving a pore between the parts to pass the food into lower part from upper part. Port is used to adjust the holding capacity of food of the upper part of the stomach by injecting saline water into port, which is used to make the Lap Band tight or lose.
Slippage can happen. Slippage is an unusual occurrence where the lower part of the stomach prolapses over the Lap Band and cause an obstruction. Some of the mechanical malfunctions that can occur after Lap Band Surgery are leakage from the port, cracking of the kink-resistant tubing or a disruption of the tubing connection from the port to the band, port site pain and port displacement. Erosion can occur. This is where the band may wear a small area on the outside of the stomach which can lead to the migration of the band to the inside of the stomach. The pore may also get blocked due to unchewed food. Numbers of risks are there involved in Lap Band, but they all can be treated or avoided if proper care is taken after the surgery.
About The Author
Alan James is the researcher and writes articles for lap band surgery z com. He is writing about lap band surgery. He has been working about this topic for three years. He has completed his post graduation from Boston University. For more information about lap band surgery Lap-Band Surgery Result and any kind of lap band topic visit at http://www.lapbandsurgeryz.comMental Healthcare of Young Mothers
The birth of a baby can trigger a range of powerful emotions such as excitement, joy, even fears. But it can also result in something you might not expect-postpartum depression. It is a condition which affects the mental health of many young mothers. The symptoms are the following: strong feelings of sadness, anxiety, or irritability, emotional stress which interferes with taking care of self or family,tearfulness,trouble to motivate oneself to do normal, routine chores, compulsive overeating or diminished interest in food, lack of interest in self grooming, inability to sleep when tired or too much sleeping, trouble concentrating or making decisions, forgetfulness, loss of pleasure or interest in doing things which used to be fun, undue worry about the baby, lack of interest in the new baby, fear of harming the new baby, thoughts of self harm or suicide.
The causes of post partum depression could be hormonal changes. Sometimes the hormonal changes in a woman's body may trigger some symptoms. The amount of the two female hormones estrogen and progesterone increase greatly during pregnancy in a woman's body. During the first 24 hours after childbirth, these amounts decrease rapidly and keep dropping till it reaches the normal level. Apart from these biological changes, numerous physical, psychological and environmental factors also contribute to postpartum depression such as fatigue, broken sleeping patterns, insufficient rest etc.
There are various breakthroughs in medical sciences dedicated to the mental healthcare of young mothers. The most common treatment for depression is the use of antidepressant medication, psychotherapy or a combination of the two. The treatment depends on the nature and severity of the depression and to some extent on the individual preference. In severe cases medication is generally recommended under the supervision of a psychiatrist.
It is necessary to help young mothers cope with postpartum depression. It is to be borne in mind that everything cannot be done single handedly by the young mother. She should get sufficient rest when the baby sleeps. Friends, relatives or spouse can be solicited to assist in housework, baby care and cooking. The young mother should find time for herself and the spouse. One need not be guilty if the medications make it impossible to breastfeed the baby. A good mother is the one who takes care of herself so that she is able to take care of the baby. When the baby starts to have regular sleep during night, it is time to think about the mother's diet and exercise program to aid her get back into shape. Exercise and proper diet will improve the mood and give a boost to the self esteem as well. Breastfeeding will help to jump start on shedding the baby weight.
If depression is interfering with one's ability to take care of the baby, it doesn't make one a bad mother. Be aware of the fact that it is only a passing phase and can be treated effectively. It is imperative to get professional help and follow the doctor's instructions if one is suffering from postpartum depression. Finally, the support of spouse and family is vital to assure mental healthcare of young mothers.
The causes of post partum depression could be hormonal changes. Sometimes the hormonal changes in a woman's body may trigger some symptoms. The amount of the two female hormones estrogen and progesterone increase greatly during pregnancy in a woman's body. During the first 24 hours after childbirth, these amounts decrease rapidly and keep dropping till it reaches the normal level. Apart from these biological changes, numerous physical, psychological and environmental factors also contribute to postpartum depression such as fatigue, broken sleeping patterns, insufficient rest etc.
There are various breakthroughs in medical sciences dedicated to the mental healthcare of young mothers. The most common treatment for depression is the use of antidepressant medication, psychotherapy or a combination of the two. The treatment depends on the nature and severity of the depression and to some extent on the individual preference. In severe cases medication is generally recommended under the supervision of a psychiatrist.
It is necessary to help young mothers cope with postpartum depression. It is to be borne in mind that everything cannot be done single handedly by the young mother. She should get sufficient rest when the baby sleeps. Friends, relatives or spouse can be solicited to assist in housework, baby care and cooking. The young mother should find time for herself and the spouse. One need not be guilty if the medications make it impossible to breastfeed the baby. A good mother is the one who takes care of herself so that she is able to take care of the baby. When the baby starts to have regular sleep during night, it is time to think about the mother's diet and exercise program to aid her get back into shape. Exercise and proper diet will improve the mood and give a boost to the self esteem as well. Breastfeeding will help to jump start on shedding the baby weight.
If depression is interfering with one's ability to take care of the baby, it doesn't make one a bad mother. Be aware of the fact that it is only a passing phase and can be treated effectively. It is imperative to get professional help and follow the doctor's instructions if one is suffering from postpartum depression. Finally, the support of spouse and family is vital to assure mental healthcare of young mothers.
About Essential Fatty Acids and Fish Oil
By now, most of us have heard of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and their potential health benefits. They’re said to sustain cognitive function and memory, benefit the heart and immune system, aid in cell reproduction and repair, and even help balance hormones. Fish oil, duly noted by the medical community as having similar benefits, contains high levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids, thus establishing the link between a daily regimen of fish oil and good health. Fish oil is sold in the U.S. as a dietary supplement and comes in both liquid and capsule form.
What are essential fatty acids?
Essential fatty acids are unsaturated fats typically found in the oils of vegetables, certain nuts and seeds and some fish. They’re said to benefit health more than the saturated fats found in meat and dairy products and may even have a positive impact on cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Essential fatty acids are referred to as "essential" because they must be obtained through diet and are essential to the normal growth and function of muscles, nerves, cells and organs in humans. There are two families of essential fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids – the fatty acids found in fish oil
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat present in many coldwater fish including trout, salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, mackerel, tuna and cod. The two most potent forms of omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), both known as "good fats" – unlike saturated fats, which when consumed in excess can lead to cardiovascular problems, neural and brain disorders.
EPA helps to produce the prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) which help control blood-clotting and arterial functions. EPAs may also help to lower serum triglyceride levels.
DHA is a major component of human brain and retinal tissue and aids the transmission of nerve impulses.
The term "omega-3 essential fatty acid" has become synonymous with "fish oil" in modern American marketing literature.
Sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids other than fish oil include, but are not limited to:
• Avocadoes (whole or oil)
• Brazil nuts
• Flaxseed
• Flaxseed oil
• Fortified milk products
• Hempseeds
• Hempseed oil
• Omega-3 eggs
• Pumpkin seeds
• Sesame seed
• Soybean oil
• Walnuts
• Wheat germ oil
Omega-6 fatty acids – not found in fish oil
Omega-6 EFAs are found in animal products such as dairy and meat and are common in cooking oils such as safflower, olive, sunflower, hemp, soybean, pumpkin, sesame, walnut and flaxseed oils. Too many omega-6 EFAs, say nutritionists, can throw off the balance of prostaglandins and lead to health problems. Experts recommend a ratio of three parts omega-3 essential fatty acids to every one part omega-6 fatty acid in the diet. Research indicates that Americans consume far more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 as a result of overindulging in fried foods, red meat and cheese.
Omega-6 fatty acids are dependent on interactions with omega-3 essential fatty acids in order to benefit good health, which is why a balance of the two is crucial in the diet. The American Heart Association cautions against a high dietary intake of omega-6 fatty acids as it can lead to the development of gallstones and promote tumors.
Prostaglandins encompass a number of hormone-like substances found in every cell in the body. They’re critical to the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, the contraction and relaxation of muscles, the regulation of blood pressure and the modulation of inflammation. Prostaglandins are needed for overall good health and maintenance and must be replenished constantly. It’s easy to understand why having a good balance of prostaglandins in the body is essential to well-being.
Where does fish oil come from?
Most fish oil is extracted from the fatty flesh of the fish, unless a product specifically states otherwise, as is the case with cod liver oil or shark liver oil – extracted from fish liver. Nutritious fish oil is usually derived from deep, coldwater fish and those swimming in the wild (wild fish eat other fish and marine animals and vegetation to survive, whereas farm-raised fish are typically fed some type of less nutritious, less expensive, commercial-grade pellet). Some experts say the best fish comes from the deep Atlantic of Norway and other Scandinavian countries: the deeper and colder the water, say experts, the less chance of toxins such as mercury, lead, dioxins, furans and PCBs occurring in the fish oil. Fish from eastern Pacific waters is known to contain elevated levels of mercury.
Fish oil supplements – good ones / bad ones
"Product disclosure" is the operable phrase when seeking out nutritious fish oil supplements. From what kind of fish is the oil extracted and from where is it extracted naturally through pressing or with a centrifuge; or are petrochemical solvents such as hexane used to extract the oil from the source? How is the fish oil refined? Is it molecularly distilled, which to date is the most reliable form of fish oil purification, or does the label read something like "extra-distilled" or "super-distilled?" Such terms have no bearing on quality or safety. Because the hundreds of thousands of fish oil supplements on the market remain unregulated by the FDA, the safety, consistency, efficacy and strength of these products varies immensely among brands.
When reading fish oil supplement labels:
• Make sure the type of fish from which the fish oil is extracted is listed.
• Look for terms "coldwater," "deep water" and "wild" as opposed to "farm-raised."
• In what ocean or hemisphere was the fish caught? North Atlantic, deep, coldwater is said to be the most nutritious.
• Make sure the fish oil is molecularly distilled, which better ensures the absence of PCBs, heavy metals and other contaminants.
• What parts of the fish were used? Fish oils extracted from fish liver may be higher in heavy metals and contaminants.
• What fish oil extraction method was used? Cold or modified expeller pressing means that the oil was produced without damaging temperatures or unnecessary pressure.
Marketing claims that have no defined meaning in relation to fish oil supplements, and which often mislead consumers, include:
• Ultra-pure
• Professional grade
• Pharmaceutical grade
• High-potency
• Super-distilled
• Natural
• Extra-distilled
• Best
• Finest
• Highest quality
• Pure
• Purest
• Purified
Essential fatty acid health benefits and risks
Few argue the benefits of fish oil and essential fatty acids in the diet. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the omega-3 fatty acids can benefit cardiovascular health and that "good unsaturated fats" derived from vegetables and fish are far more nutritious than "bad saturated fats" which come from red meat, animal products and dairy. The cardiovascular benefits to balancing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet include lowered serum cholesterol, decreased serum trigylcerides and reduced platelet aggregation. Although many fish oil supplement companies claim that fish oil supplementation may aid brain function and strengthen the immune system, a complete body of evidence has yet to be produced.
Along with the health benefits of fish oil come some risks, most associated with taking too high doses of fish oil or having dangerously high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in the blood. Some of these risks can include:
• Thinning of the blood and reduced ability of the blood to clot.
• Increased risk of bleeding.
• Too large doses can increase glucose levels in persons with already elevated blood sugar levels.
• In excess, fish oil may suppress the immune system.
• Increase the occurrence of nosebleeds and easy bruising.
• Upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea and belching.
• Poisoning from heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and pesticides.
Experts and nutritionists are convinced that the health benefits of fish oil far outweigh the risks. However, many warn that fish oil shouldn’t be taken with blood-thinning medication such as warfarin or aspirin and shouldn’t be taken by anyone with bleeding disorders or uncontrolled hypertension. It is highly advisable to consult a physician before supplementing a diet with fish oil.
EPAs, DHAs, efficacy and the FDA
In September of 2004, the FDA announced they would allow a qualified health claim for reduced risk of coronary heart disease for conventional foods that contain EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids as outlined in FDA’s "Interim Procedures for Qualified Health Claims in the Labeling of Conventional Human Food and Human Dietar
What are essential fatty acids?
Essential fatty acids are unsaturated fats typically found in the oils of vegetables, certain nuts and seeds and some fish. They’re said to benefit health more than the saturated fats found in meat and dairy products and may even have a positive impact on cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Essential fatty acids are referred to as "essential" because they must be obtained through diet and are essential to the normal growth and function of muscles, nerves, cells and organs in humans. There are two families of essential fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids – the fatty acids found in fish oil
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat present in many coldwater fish including trout, salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, mackerel, tuna and cod. The two most potent forms of omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), both known as "good fats" – unlike saturated fats, which when consumed in excess can lead to cardiovascular problems, neural and brain disorders.
EPA helps to produce the prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) which help control blood-clotting and arterial functions. EPAs may also help to lower serum triglyceride levels.
DHA is a major component of human brain and retinal tissue and aids the transmission of nerve impulses.
The term "omega-3 essential fatty acid" has become synonymous with "fish oil" in modern American marketing literature.
Sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids other than fish oil include, but are not limited to:
• Avocadoes (whole or oil)
• Brazil nuts
• Flaxseed
• Flaxseed oil
• Fortified milk products
• Hempseeds
• Hempseed oil
• Omega-3 eggs
• Pumpkin seeds
• Sesame seed
• Soybean oil
• Walnuts
• Wheat germ oil
Omega-6 fatty acids – not found in fish oil
Omega-6 EFAs are found in animal products such as dairy and meat and are common in cooking oils such as safflower, olive, sunflower, hemp, soybean, pumpkin, sesame, walnut and flaxseed oils. Too many omega-6 EFAs, say nutritionists, can throw off the balance of prostaglandins and lead to health problems. Experts recommend a ratio of three parts omega-3 essential fatty acids to every one part omega-6 fatty acid in the diet. Research indicates that Americans consume far more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 as a result of overindulging in fried foods, red meat and cheese.
Omega-6 fatty acids are dependent on interactions with omega-3 essential fatty acids in order to benefit good health, which is why a balance of the two is crucial in the diet. The American Heart Association cautions against a high dietary intake of omega-6 fatty acids as it can lead to the development of gallstones and promote tumors.
Prostaglandins encompass a number of hormone-like substances found in every cell in the body. They’re critical to the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, the contraction and relaxation of muscles, the regulation of blood pressure and the modulation of inflammation. Prostaglandins are needed for overall good health and maintenance and must be replenished constantly. It’s easy to understand why having a good balance of prostaglandins in the body is essential to well-being.
Where does fish oil come from?
Most fish oil is extracted from the fatty flesh of the fish, unless a product specifically states otherwise, as is the case with cod liver oil or shark liver oil – extracted from fish liver. Nutritious fish oil is usually derived from deep, coldwater fish and those swimming in the wild (wild fish eat other fish and marine animals and vegetation to survive, whereas farm-raised fish are typically fed some type of less nutritious, less expensive, commercial-grade pellet). Some experts say the best fish comes from the deep Atlantic of Norway and other Scandinavian countries: the deeper and colder the water, say experts, the less chance of toxins such as mercury, lead, dioxins, furans and PCBs occurring in the fish oil. Fish from eastern Pacific waters is known to contain elevated levels of mercury.
Fish oil supplements – good ones / bad ones
"Product disclosure" is the operable phrase when seeking out nutritious fish oil supplements. From what kind of fish is the oil extracted and from where is it extracted naturally through pressing or with a centrifuge; or are petrochemical solvents such as hexane used to extract the oil from the source? How is the fish oil refined? Is it molecularly distilled, which to date is the most reliable form of fish oil purification, or does the label read something like "extra-distilled" or "super-distilled?" Such terms have no bearing on quality or safety. Because the hundreds of thousands of fish oil supplements on the market remain unregulated by the FDA, the safety, consistency, efficacy and strength of these products varies immensely among brands.
When reading fish oil supplement labels:
• Make sure the type of fish from which the fish oil is extracted is listed.
• Look for terms "coldwater," "deep water" and "wild" as opposed to "farm-raised."
• In what ocean or hemisphere was the fish caught? North Atlantic, deep, coldwater is said to be the most nutritious.
• Make sure the fish oil is molecularly distilled, which better ensures the absence of PCBs, heavy metals and other contaminants.
• What parts of the fish were used? Fish oils extracted from fish liver may be higher in heavy metals and contaminants.
• What fish oil extraction method was used? Cold or modified expeller pressing means that the oil was produced without damaging temperatures or unnecessary pressure.
Marketing claims that have no defined meaning in relation to fish oil supplements, and which often mislead consumers, include:
• Ultra-pure
• Professional grade
• Pharmaceutical grade
• High-potency
• Super-distilled
• Natural
• Extra-distilled
• Best
• Finest
• Highest quality
• Pure
• Purest
• Purified
Essential fatty acid health benefits and risks
Few argue the benefits of fish oil and essential fatty acids in the diet. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the omega-3 fatty acids can benefit cardiovascular health and that "good unsaturated fats" derived from vegetables and fish are far more nutritious than "bad saturated fats" which come from red meat, animal products and dairy. The cardiovascular benefits to balancing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet include lowered serum cholesterol, decreased serum trigylcerides and reduced platelet aggregation. Although many fish oil supplement companies claim that fish oil supplementation may aid brain function and strengthen the immune system, a complete body of evidence has yet to be produced.
Along with the health benefits of fish oil come some risks, most associated with taking too high doses of fish oil or having dangerously high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in the blood. Some of these risks can include:
• Thinning of the blood and reduced ability of the blood to clot.
• Increased risk of bleeding.
• Too large doses can increase glucose levels in persons with already elevated blood sugar levels.
• In excess, fish oil may suppress the immune system.
• Increase the occurrence of nosebleeds and easy bruising.
• Upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea and belching.
• Poisoning from heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and pesticides.
Experts and nutritionists are convinced that the health benefits of fish oil far outweigh the risks. However, many warn that fish oil shouldn’t be taken with blood-thinning medication such as warfarin or aspirin and shouldn’t be taken by anyone with bleeding disorders or uncontrolled hypertension. It is highly advisable to consult a physician before supplementing a diet with fish oil.
EPAs, DHAs, efficacy and the FDA
In September of 2004, the FDA announced they would allow a qualified health claim for reduced risk of coronary heart disease for conventional foods that contain EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids as outlined in FDA’s "Interim Procedures for Qualified Health Claims in the Labeling of Conventional Human Food and Human Dietar
# Internet Marketing :
Internet Marketing, also known as online marketing or emarketing, is the marketing of products or services over the internet. The internet has brought about quite a few exceptional advantages to marketing such as quick and economical mode of circulating large amount of information to a vast audience. It's interactive nature, both in terms of immediate response, and in drawing out response, are the sole of its kind attributes of this mode of marketing.
Internet marketing blends together creative and technical aspects of the internet, which covers design, development, advertising and sales. Some of it's methods include search engine marketing,blog marketing,viral marketing etc.Basically it involves the development and advertisement of an organization through online media. It does not simply mean developing and promoting a website. Rather a website is always created for a real organization having real goals.
Every minute detail of online advertising products, services, and websites, covering market research, email marketing, and direct sales are taken care of through various internet marketing strategies.Several industries including the advertising industry have been influenced by the internet marketing. It may appear comparitively an easy task to venture out into the scenario of online marketing.But one should never overlook the competitive edge,a sound business strategy offers in any kind of marketing. Of course the availabiltiy of latest and vast amount of information is one of the merits of this form of marketing.Here,the transaction is not restricted by business hours or days as a customer can access the internet ,study and verify the products, and even purchase them at any hour of any day.
Internet marketing also facilitates a company to cut down the expenses which it could otherwise incur on the salesforce.On the whole, internet marketing assists a business to spread out its wings from a local market to national and international market places. Moreover,it has a relatively low cost of entry when compared to any other form of the media.
Internet marketing has indeed become one of the major ways of making oneself known to the whole world. In fact in the present day scenario, there could be no better medium than this to market any kind of business
Internet marketing blends together creative and technical aspects of the internet, which covers design, development, advertising and sales. Some of it's methods include search engine marketing,blog marketing,viral marketing etc.Basically it involves the development and advertisement of an organization through online media. It does not simply mean developing and promoting a website. Rather a website is always created for a real organization having real goals.
Every minute detail of online advertising products, services, and websites, covering market research, email marketing, and direct sales are taken care of through various internet marketing strategies.Several industries including the advertising industry have been influenced by the internet marketing. It may appear comparitively an easy task to venture out into the scenario of online marketing.But one should never overlook the competitive edge,a sound business strategy offers in any kind of marketing. Of course the availabiltiy of latest and vast amount of information is one of the merits of this form of marketing.Here,the transaction is not restricted by business hours or days as a customer can access the internet ,study and verify the products, and even purchase them at any hour of any day.
Internet marketing also facilitates a company to cut down the expenses which it could otherwise incur on the salesforce.On the whole, internet marketing assists a business to spread out its wings from a local market to national and international market places. Moreover,it has a relatively low cost of entry when compared to any other form of the media.
Internet marketing has indeed become one of the major ways of making oneself known to the whole world. In fact in the present day scenario, there could be no better medium than this to market any kind of business
A Small Business Owners Guide to Using the Internet
For a small business owner, using the Internet can be daunting and scary. Most of the reason for this is that a lot of small business owners have not spent much time working with the Internet. They do not really often understand how the Internet works from a business and selling standpoint, and they also are uncertain what they should do when it comes to designing a Web site, using email, and other facets of Internet use. There are many companies that can help these individuals learn how to use the Internet the right way to market and operate their small business, but for business owners that do not want to do things that way, there are some tips to be followed.
The most important thing a small business owner should be aware of when using the Internet is that there are many predators of all different types on the Web. Because of this, customers are sometimes uncertain about using a Web site or providing credit card or other sensitive information. This is an unfortunate aspect of doing business on the Internet today, and businesses must adapt to it. There are ways to make the shopping experience more secure for customers, and businesses should take the necessary measures to do that. This can help stop identity theft and make customers more secure in doing business with a particular company.
In addition, there are other issues with the creation of a Web site. Choosing a domain name, registering it, and actually creating the Web site can be difficult and time consuming. Often, the small business owner uses a company that designs Web pages to handle this for them. However, learning some basic HTML code to create a Web page is not that difficult, and individuals can also find plug-ins that will allow them to add many things to their Web site very easily. Small business owners also want to be careful that they do not try to put too much on each page of their Web site. This can confuse customers and make everything too cluttered. With a clean, crisp Web site that is easy to navigate, customers will be much more likely to return, and they will feel as though the company is a professional one that they can be comfortable doing business with.
The most important thing a small business owner should be aware of when using the Internet is that there are many predators of all different types on the Web. Because of this, customers are sometimes uncertain about using a Web site or providing credit card or other sensitive information. This is an unfortunate aspect of doing business on the Internet today, and businesses must adapt to it. There are ways to make the shopping experience more secure for customers, and businesses should take the necessary measures to do that. This can help stop identity theft and make customers more secure in doing business with a particular company.
In addition, there are other issues with the creation of a Web site. Choosing a domain name, registering it, and actually creating the Web site can be difficult and time consuming. Often, the small business owner uses a company that designs Web pages to handle this for them. However, learning some basic HTML code to create a Web page is not that difficult, and individuals can also find plug-ins that will allow them to add many things to their Web site very easily. Small business owners also want to be careful that they do not try to put too much on each page of their Web site. This can confuse customers and make everything too cluttered. With a clean, crisp Web site that is easy to navigate, customers will be much more likely to return, and they will feel as though the company is a professional one that they can be comfortable doing business with.
Killer Affiliate Marketing - 4 Steps to Ramp Up Your Affiliate Marketing Income
Here are 4 simple steps to achieve massive success using affiliate marketing.
Step 1 - Increase Your Affiliate Marketing Knowledge.
Step 2 - Ask Questions.
Step 3 - Website Development.
Step 4 - Work Hard to Get Back Links.
The purpose of this article is to show you how to achieve massive success using affiliate marketing.
Lets get down into dirty details to boost up your affiliate marketing profits through the roof.
Step 1 - Increase Your Affiliate Marketing Knowledge.
It is extremely important to update your skills in the field of affiliate marketing.
Internet is moving at a rapid speed. What works today might not work tomorrow.
Therefore it is extremely important to keep yourself updated with latest affiliate marketing tricks and tips.
You can do this by signing up under some super affiliate training membership based website or getting affiliate marketing ebooks from top experts from time to time.
Next step will show you how to solve your most pressing affiliate marketing questions.
Step 2 - Ask Questions.
It is important to ask questions if you are stuck up in getting started with affiliate marketing.
The simple way you can do this is by visiting affiliate marketing forums and post your questions out there.
Other affiliate marketers will be more than happy to solve your most pressing questions.
Next step will show you how to develop a killer cash and traffic pulling website to sell your affiliate products.
Step 3 - Website Development.
Do you want to earn just pennies like a job person or you want to develop a web property.
Yes, if you want to make something that you can sell for thousands of dollars in future then make sure that you create your own website and develop traffic to your website.
You can do this easily by posting content to your website, starting a blog or a forum and then promoting your site on a continuous basis.
Next step will give you killer details on getting back links to your website to promote your affiliate programs.
Step 4 - Work Hard to Get Back Links.
Your primary promotion and website traffic building step should include creating quality back links to your site.
The advantages of doing this are HUGE. You will get direct traffic to your website from incoming links and this will also boost your website traffic from search engines.
Article marketing is the topmost tactic that will help you in building thousands of incoming links to your website.
Step 1 - Increase Your Affiliate Marketing Knowledge.
Step 2 - Ask Questions.
Step 3 - Website Development.
Step 4 - Work Hard to Get Back Links.
The purpose of this article is to show you how to achieve massive success using affiliate marketing.
Lets get down into dirty details to boost up your affiliate marketing profits through the roof.
Step 1 - Increase Your Affiliate Marketing Knowledge.
It is extremely important to update your skills in the field of affiliate marketing.
Internet is moving at a rapid speed. What works today might not work tomorrow.
Therefore it is extremely important to keep yourself updated with latest affiliate marketing tricks and tips.
You can do this by signing up under some super affiliate training membership based website or getting affiliate marketing ebooks from top experts from time to time.
Next step will show you how to solve your most pressing affiliate marketing questions.
Step 2 - Ask Questions.
It is important to ask questions if you are stuck up in getting started with affiliate marketing.
The simple way you can do this is by visiting affiliate marketing forums and post your questions out there.
Other affiliate marketers will be more than happy to solve your most pressing questions.
Next step will show you how to develop a killer cash and traffic pulling website to sell your affiliate products.
Step 3 - Website Development.
Do you want to earn just pennies like a job person or you want to develop a web property.
Yes, if you want to make something that you can sell for thousands of dollars in future then make sure that you create your own website and develop traffic to your website.
You can do this easily by posting content to your website, starting a blog or a forum and then promoting your site on a continuous basis.
Next step will give you killer details on getting back links to your website to promote your affiliate programs.
Step 4 - Work Hard to Get Back Links.
Your primary promotion and website traffic building step should include creating quality back links to your site.
The advantages of doing this are HUGE. You will get direct traffic to your website from incoming links and this will also boost your website traffic from search engines.
Article marketing is the topmost tactic that will help you in building thousands of incoming links to your website.
Internet Home Based Business - Pump Up Your Website Cash-Counter
Are your minisites sales slowing down? Do you want to burst the selling power of your website right off the charts.
Are you planning to increase the sales conversion of your website through the roof?
If you answered yes to any of the above question, make sure you read this article instantly.
The reason you are not getting tons of targeted website traffic is simple.
Here's the reason...
1. It is difficult for one page sites to rank higher in the search engines.
Search engines love authority sites in a particular niche.
This simply means that you have to build huge content based sites with thousands of incoming links if you want to stand a chance of getting thousands of free targeted website traffic.
2. The cost of pay per click search engines are pumping up.
It is next to impossible for an average Joe to spend $1 per click in competitive niches.
3. Competition is getting tremendously tough due to thousands of websites popping up every single day.
You are not alone selling the product in your niche. Just search for your main keywords in google and you will see thousands of websites competing for your key phrase.
There are 2 killer steps that will help you to survive in this tough internet home business world...
Step 1 - Build Your Credibility.
Here's how to do it...
a. Provide valuable content to your visitors.
Create a huge quality theme based content website.
If you do this you will get repeat traffic and search engines will love you.
This will help you to attract thousands of visitors to your website starting today.
b. Give them valuable gifts and offers.
Give your visitors valuable gifts in the form of ecourse, free ebooks, reports, etc.
They love valuable content and if you give them free quality content in your niche, they will love you and in return give you what you want, that is sales and dollars.
Step 2 - List Building.
It is extremely important to build a list if you want to drive killer repeat traffic to your website and burst up your website sales.
Here's how to do it. Create a squeeze page in your niche and give your visitors something valuable for free.
Make them to signup in your list before you give them your free gift.
Once you have setup a system you will build your list on autopilot with the help of autoresponders.
Are you planning to increase the sales conversion of your website through the roof?
If you answered yes to any of the above question, make sure you read this article instantly.
The reason you are not getting tons of targeted website traffic is simple.
Here's the reason...
1. It is difficult for one page sites to rank higher in the search engines.
Search engines love authority sites in a particular niche.
This simply means that you have to build huge content based sites with thousands of incoming links if you want to stand a chance of getting thousands of free targeted website traffic.
2. The cost of pay per click search engines are pumping up.
It is next to impossible for an average Joe to spend $1 per click in competitive niches.
3. Competition is getting tremendously tough due to thousands of websites popping up every single day.
You are not alone selling the product in your niche. Just search for your main keywords in google and you will see thousands of websites competing for your key phrase.
There are 2 killer steps that will help you to survive in this tough internet home business world...
Step 1 - Build Your Credibility.
Here's how to do it...
a. Provide valuable content to your visitors.
Create a huge quality theme based content website.
If you do this you will get repeat traffic and search engines will love you.
This will help you to attract thousands of visitors to your website starting today.
b. Give them valuable gifts and offers.
Give your visitors valuable gifts in the form of ecourse, free ebooks, reports, etc.
They love valuable content and if you give them free quality content in your niche, they will love you and in return give you what you want, that is sales and dollars.
Step 2 - List Building.
It is extremely important to build a list if you want to drive killer repeat traffic to your website and burst up your website sales.
Here's how to do it. Create a squeeze page in your niche and give your visitors something valuable for free.
Make them to signup in your list before you give them your free gift.
Once you have setup a system you will build your list on autopilot with the help of autoresponders.
How Do I Get My Business On The Internet?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions by small business owners. They are feeling the pressure from their customers and competitors, yet for many business people it is a daunting task, as they don't understand the whole process.
In fact, many people are even asking the question whether they should have a website. Whether you are a consultant, florist, designer, builder, architect or a doctor, consider the many advantages a website provides:
1. Make money - Set up an on-line store or get paid for advertising from other companies
2. Save money on advertising - Instead of paying for large ads, simply advertise your website
3. Be flexible in your message - Change the content as your business changes. No need to re-print expensive brochures.
4. Exposure to new customers - You will reach more local clients as well as interstate and global markets
5. Having more professional image - Keep up with the times and your competitors
6. Save time - Don’t spend hours on the phone, direct customers to your website
7. Keep your business open 24/7 - Provide customers information when THEY need it. If you don’t, someone else will.
So what does it really take to get your website set up?
Step 1 - Register your domain name OR not.
The big question is whether you need to register a domain name or not. The simple answer is NO, but a better answer is YES it is a good idea.
What is a domain name?
The purpose of a domain name is similar to that of a street address or telephone number. The domain name directs customers to you on the Internet. The domain by itself is not your email or web address. The domain does form the base from which these addresses are derived.
For example: Company Name: QikPhone Domain Name: Web Address: Email Address:
Do I need to register a domain name to have a website?
NO, you don't need to have your own domain name. Your website can be created and hosted without it. Your website address will look something like this: OR
The only advantage of not registering a domain name is that you will save yourself a few dollars.
The disadvantages of NOT having your domain name include:
1. If you decide to change your Webhosting company or if that company goes out of business, you will lose your website address. Your website can be transferred to a new company, but your address will change. And that means re-printing stationery and re-doing all your advertising, notifying all your customers etc.
2. Website addresses that contain information other than your company name are long and hard to remember and do not appear as professional. Compare these two and see which one you are more likely to remember: OR
So it is a good idea to register a domain name, even if it is just to protect yourself for the future. Say for example, your business name is JB Cleaning and you decide not to register your domain name for now. Along comes Joe Bloggs who opens his own cleaning business and registers domain name. After a year you decide you want to have your own domain name, but since Joe Bloggs already owns it, you won't be able to register it. Not to mention your customers who know your business as JB Cleaning may visit his website, thinking it's your web address and instead hire Joe Bloggs Cleaning.
Step 2 - Plan your website.
Planning your website is a two part process:
(a) Decide on the website design (colour schemes, buttons, special effects etc). This is your website designer's job. However, you may have a preference for a certain colour or look. To help you choose a design, you may wish to check out other people's websites or work with your web designer's pre-set templates.
(b) The content. There are many items you may wish to include on your website. The most common ones include:
1 Product/Service Details
2. Contact Information
3. Pricing
4. Testimonials
5. Frequently Asked Questions
6. Response Form, such as "Join Mailing List"
7. On-line Magazine or Newsletter
8. Resources & Articles
9. Guarantee
10. Survey
11. Events Calender
12. Search My Website Form
13. Refund Policy
14. Privacy Policy
15. About Us Information
16. Site Map
17. Copyright information
18. Useful Links
19. Media Information
20. On-line store
21. News
22. Directions to Your Bricks & Mortar Premises
Step 3 - Choose a Web Hosting Company.
What is a Web hosting Company?
A webhost is a company that provides server space for your website. You can think of a web host as a commercial building. The web host provides space for your website just as a commercial building provides space for your shop or office. You can build your own building and you can host your own website, but because of the cost and expertise required it is easier to rent the space.
Which Company Should I Choose?
Webhosting companies are not created equal so you need to take a number of things into account when selecting one. A proven track record, experience and reliability form the foundation of any successful business partnership.
Some of the issues you should consider when choosing a webhosting company include:
1. Support - Does it provide comprehensive Technical Support - 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
2. Reliability - Does it have multiple large-scale links to the internet to provide a fail-safe path to your customers from anywhere in the world?
3. Security - Does it have a robust security system that minimises risk of web site intrusion?
4. State-of-the-art - Does the company utilises leading edge technology and is supported by a large-scale uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.
5. Scalability - Does the product range and services offered allow your business to grow without impediment by making it easy to upgrade and add components to existing product levels.
Step 4 - Getting people to your site.
The marketing of your website is important if you want to draw visitors to your site. If you don't promote your website no-one will ever see it. There are a number of different ways of advertising your website. The best strategy is one, which integrates your existing promotion methods with your website.
1. Office Stationery - Including your web address and email address on your stationery is probably the easiest way to draw attention to your site. It's cost effective and gets your Internet presence out there in the market place.
2. Business Cards - When printing business cards you should include the individual's email address and main address of your website.
3. Radio Advertising - Radio Advertising should include your web address. Don't include the http://, try "Visit us on the internet at w-w-w-dot-qikphone-dot-com-dot-au". If your budget is limited, you may wish to consider community radios.
4. Email and Mail-Outs - Let your current customers know the details of your website. You can either send them an email or a letter/postcard. Keep your website's content up-to-date and they will keep coming back!
5. Print Media - Print advertising should include a generic email address for the company and include your website address. Normally positioned at the bottom right or bottom centre of your advertisement.
6. Search Engines & Directories - People looking for your website who don't know the URL are most likely to use an on-line search engine to look for your organisation or the kind of products and services you offer. There are over 300 major search engines and directories, but you should concentrate on the larger, more commonly used ones. These include: Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Anzwers, Inktomi, Infoseek, Lycos, Excite, HotBot, MSN, Dogpile, AllTheWeb etc.
7. Links from other websites - A good way to attract visitors to your site is through the use of hyperlinks placed on other sites. If you know of another site which has a list of links and you think your website would be a good addition, let the website owner know. You might also offer to provide a link from your site back to the other site. This will encourage the webmaster to include your site. You should also seek out partners for trading links including vendors, suppliers and providers of complimentary products.
8. Link Exchange - Another way to getting a link is through a system called Link Exchange, a free public service designed to help websites advertise each other. With Link Exchange, you agree to display advertising banners for other Link Exchange members and they agree to display banners for you. The System is automatic, you simply add a piece of HTML code to your web page and Link Exchange will display an advertisement for another website. The disadvantage with Link Exchange is that you don't get any control as to where your banner ad appears or the type of banner ads that will appear on your website. It is not possible to guarantee that a competitor of yours may have their banner ad displayed on your site.
9. Paid Banner Advertising/Affiliate Marketing Programs - Various sites give you the opportunity to purchase banner advertising on their site. Some sites will charge you a flat monthly fee while other sites will charge you based on the number of people who see your ad.
For more information about marketing your website read "30 ways to promote your website on a shoestring budget"
Step 5 - Monitor your site's statistics
Your website's statistics should show who visits your website, where in the world they come from, how they are finding your site and what pages are being viewed. Knowing your customers is the first step in effective marketing. Most webhosting companies will provide access to this information free of charge.
Step 6 - Maintaining your website
It is important to update your website regularly to keep your customers interested. One of the great advantages of having a website is that you can change its content virtually overnight at minimal cost (unlike re-printing brochures and flyers).
This is just a brief overview of the process involved in getting your website up and running. In future articles we will cover each step in more detail.
For more information about getting your business on the internet you may also wish to check out:
Frequently Asked Questions About Websites
10 Tips for Planning an Outstanding Website
8 Tips for Designing a Great Website
In fact, many people are even asking the question whether they should have a website. Whether you are a consultant, florist, designer, builder, architect or a doctor, consider the many advantages a website provides:
1. Make money - Set up an on-line store or get paid for advertising from other companies
2. Save money on advertising - Instead of paying for large ads, simply advertise your website
3. Be flexible in your message - Change the content as your business changes. No need to re-print expensive brochures.
4. Exposure to new customers - You will reach more local clients as well as interstate and global markets
5. Having more professional image - Keep up with the times and your competitors
6. Save time - Don’t spend hours on the phone, direct customers to your website
7. Keep your business open 24/7 - Provide customers information when THEY need it. If you don’t, someone else will.
So what does it really take to get your website set up?
Step 1 - Register your domain name OR not.
The big question is whether you need to register a domain name or not. The simple answer is NO, but a better answer is YES it is a good idea.
What is a domain name?
The purpose of a domain name is similar to that of a street address or telephone number. The domain name directs customers to you on the Internet. The domain by itself is not your email or web address. The domain does form the base from which these addresses are derived.
For example: Company Name: QikPhone Domain Name: Web Address: Email Address:
Do I need to register a domain name to have a website?
NO, you don't need to have your own domain name. Your website can be created and hosted without it. Your website address will look something like this: OR
The only advantage of not registering a domain name is that you will save yourself a few dollars.
The disadvantages of NOT having your domain name include:
1. If you decide to change your Webhosting company or if that company goes out of business, you will lose your website address. Your website can be transferred to a new company, but your address will change. And that means re-printing stationery and re-doing all your advertising, notifying all your customers etc.
2. Website addresses that contain information other than your company name are long and hard to remember and do not appear as professional. Compare these two and see which one you are more likely to remember: OR
So it is a good idea to register a domain name, even if it is just to protect yourself for the future. Say for example, your business name is JB Cleaning and you decide not to register your domain name for now. Along comes Joe Bloggs who opens his own cleaning business and registers domain name. After a year you decide you want to have your own domain name, but since Joe Bloggs already owns it, you won't be able to register it. Not to mention your customers who know your business as JB Cleaning may visit his website, thinking it's your web address and instead hire Joe Bloggs Cleaning.
Step 2 - Plan your website.
Planning your website is a two part process:
(a) Decide on the website design (colour schemes, buttons, special effects etc). This is your website designer's job. However, you may have a preference for a certain colour or look. To help you choose a design, you may wish to check out other people's websites or work with your web designer's pre-set templates.
(b) The content. There are many items you may wish to include on your website. The most common ones include:
1 Product/Service Details
2. Contact Information
3. Pricing
4. Testimonials
5. Frequently Asked Questions
6. Response Form, such as "Join Mailing List"
7. On-line Magazine or Newsletter
8. Resources & Articles
9. Guarantee
10. Survey
11. Events Calender
12. Search My Website Form
13. Refund Policy
14. Privacy Policy
15. About Us Information
16. Site Map
17. Copyright information
18. Useful Links
19. Media Information
20. On-line store
21. News
22. Directions to Your Bricks & Mortar Premises
Step 3 - Choose a Web Hosting Company.
What is a Web hosting Company?
A webhost is a company that provides server space for your website. You can think of a web host as a commercial building. The web host provides space for your website just as a commercial building provides space for your shop or office. You can build your own building and you can host your own website, but because of the cost and expertise required it is easier to rent the space.
Which Company Should I Choose?
Webhosting companies are not created equal so you need to take a number of things into account when selecting one. A proven track record, experience and reliability form the foundation of any successful business partnership.
Some of the issues you should consider when choosing a webhosting company include:
1. Support - Does it provide comprehensive Technical Support - 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
2. Reliability - Does it have multiple large-scale links to the internet to provide a fail-safe path to your customers from anywhere in the world?
3. Security - Does it have a robust security system that minimises risk of web site intrusion?
4. State-of-the-art - Does the company utilises leading edge technology and is supported by a large-scale uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.
5. Scalability - Does the product range and services offered allow your business to grow without impediment by making it easy to upgrade and add components to existing product levels.
Step 4 - Getting people to your site.
The marketing of your website is important if you want to draw visitors to your site. If you don't promote your website no-one will ever see it. There are a number of different ways of advertising your website. The best strategy is one, which integrates your existing promotion methods with your website.
1. Office Stationery - Including your web address and email address on your stationery is probably the easiest way to draw attention to your site. It's cost effective and gets your Internet presence out there in the market place.
2. Business Cards - When printing business cards you should include the individual's email address and main address of your website.
3. Radio Advertising - Radio Advertising should include your web address. Don't include the http://, try "Visit us on the internet at w-w-w-dot-qikphone-dot-com-dot-au". If your budget is limited, you may wish to consider community radios.
4. Email and Mail-Outs - Let your current customers know the details of your website. You can either send them an email or a letter/postcard. Keep your website's content up-to-date and they will keep coming back!
5. Print Media - Print advertising should include a generic email address for the company and include your website address. Normally positioned at the bottom right or bottom centre of your advertisement.
6. Search Engines & Directories - People looking for your website who don't know the URL are most likely to use an on-line search engine to look for your organisation or the kind of products and services you offer. There are over 300 major search engines and directories, but you should concentrate on the larger, more commonly used ones. These include: Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Anzwers, Inktomi, Infoseek, Lycos, Excite, HotBot, MSN, Dogpile, AllTheWeb etc.
7. Links from other websites - A good way to attract visitors to your site is through the use of hyperlinks placed on other sites. If you know of another site which has a list of links and you think your website would be a good addition, let the website owner know. You might also offer to provide a link from your site back to the other site. This will encourage the webmaster to include your site. You should also seek out partners for trading links including vendors, suppliers and providers of complimentary products.
8. Link Exchange - Another way to getting a link is through a system called Link Exchange, a free public service designed to help websites advertise each other. With Link Exchange, you agree to display advertising banners for other Link Exchange members and they agree to display banners for you. The System is automatic, you simply add a piece of HTML code to your web page and Link Exchange will display an advertisement for another website. The disadvantage with Link Exchange is that you don't get any control as to where your banner ad appears or the type of banner ads that will appear on your website. It is not possible to guarantee that a competitor of yours may have their banner ad displayed on your site.
9. Paid Banner Advertising/Affiliate Marketing Programs - Various sites give you the opportunity to purchase banner advertising on their site. Some sites will charge you a flat monthly fee while other sites will charge you based on the number of people who see your ad.
For more information about marketing your website read "30 ways to promote your website on a shoestring budget"
Step 5 - Monitor your site's statistics
Your website's statistics should show who visits your website, where in the world they come from, how they are finding your site and what pages are being viewed. Knowing your customers is the first step in effective marketing. Most webhosting companies will provide access to this information free of charge.
Step 6 - Maintaining your website
It is important to update your website regularly to keep your customers interested. One of the great advantages of having a website is that you can change its content virtually overnight at minimal cost (unlike re-printing brochures and flyers).
This is just a brief overview of the process involved in getting your website up and running. In future articles we will cover each step in more detail.
For more information about getting your business on the internet you may also wish to check out:
Frequently Asked Questions About Websites
10 Tips for Planning an Outstanding Website
8 Tips for Designing a Great Website
Common Mistakes In Business Plans
Your business plan is typically the first impression potential lenders of investors get about your business idea. Even with a great product, team, and customers, and you are unable to convey to properly convey your image, it could be the last impression if your plan has some of the following, common mistakes.
Lenders and investors review hundreds of business plan every year and with every plan, lenders and investors become more cynical because the same mistakes pop up with regular frequency. With so much competition for a limited amount of capital, it is imperative to not make these mistakes.
1. Financials
Unrealistic Financial Projections - Simply saying that you are going to do $100,000 in sales is not enough nor can you simply say there is no way of knowing. Everyone knows there is no way to accurately come up with financial projections over the next three years, especially in a start-up. But, what is required in your plan is that reasonable assumptions are made and supported with research. By incorporating a detailed list of assumptions and how you arrived at your numbers, the lender/investor can judge your analysis and decision making process. If you are projecting to generate high sales outside of industry norms, explaining how you arrived at this conclusion is a must. Lenders and investors have seen many, many plans that claim sales are going through the roof once funded and as a result are very jaded at statements like this. Financial data that is inconsistent with industry averages and overly aggressive sales figures will raise flags. Explain every number.
Confusing Cash with Profits - Revenues do not always equal cash. For example, suppose you make a sale this month for $100 that cost $50 to produce. Assuming your buyer doesn’t pay for 30-60 and even 90 days if dealing with state or federal sources (and assuming they all pay), the effect on your cash flow is significant. Suppliers and employees still have to be paid for their work while you are waiting on payment from the buyer.
While you may not have a significant portion of sales coming from receivables, the timing of cash flows is critical for developing a financial strategy as cash flow is much more important than profits. Profits are an accounting concept while cash is money in the bank. If you don’t believe me try paying your bills with profits.
No Adjustment for Seasonality - All businesses are seasonal to some extent, some more significant than others. Seasonality refers to the percentage of sales that are made in a month. For example, most retailers have huge November and December sales and lousy January and February sales. Did you make enough cash during the good months to cover the slow months to cover salaries, rents and lights?
If You Build It They Will Come - Be careful in assuming once your doors open people will be streaming in to buy. You have a new, relatively unheard of business. This is a time when your business is particularly vulnerable as most of new owner’s cash reserves have typically been used to open the store. If sales projections are off during the first couple of months and you don’t have enough working capital to keep the lights on, you may be quickly going out of business.
Insufficient financial projections - Basic financial projections consist of four elements: Income Statements, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheets, and Cash Flow Statements.
For most businesses a three-year projection is sufficient, but if yours is a capital intensive one and will take longer to show profitability then use five. Actual figures are a must if you can get them and any number in the projections needs to be in the business plan narrative. If you are purchasing an existing business use the historical financials to show support for your sales figures.
No Quotes - Any significant expenses should have a quote accompanied in the appendix, especially for construction or remodeling as this is an area where most entrepreneurs slip as they do it themselves and greatly underestimate the costs.
2. Marketing
Failing to relieve the customer’s pain - Businesses are rewarded to make consumer’s pain go away. Pain can include; my car stopped working, my doggie is sick or my tax returns are too hard to prepare.
If your business plan can’t show how you are relieving the customer’s pain, then the chances for success in the marketplace is extremely limited.
Remember pain equals market opportunity. The greater the pain, the greater number of customer’s with this pain and the better you can relieve the pain equals greater market potential.
One Billion Customers Served - Claiming everyone needs your product/service will send a strong message to the reviewer that you don’t know your market and remove any credibility to your plan. In the good old days the shotgun approach to marketing could work as there were limited channels for advertisement. Today with unlimited outlets and more narrowly defined markets, this approach does not fly.
While it’s true everyone eats, not everyone will eat at your restaurant, nor could you effectively advertise to everyone. By researching the segments that are most likely to use your product/service and showing how your message will get to them will ultimately make your endeavor more successful. Having clearly defined target markets will show you have done your homework and be the cornerstone of a marketing strategy that can succeed.
We have no competition - Use this statement if your want your plan rejected. Every business has competition. While there may not be a direct competitor, meaning one that offers the same or similar product, there is always an indirect competitor.
Saying there is no competition tells the reviewer that you have either not done any market research or there is not a market for your product.
3. Organization
Writing For The Wrong Audience - A plan for a lender should be written differently than one for an investor. Banks are interested in seeing the likelihood that debts be repaid and investors are interested in the upside profit potential. Be sure to write your plan to your audience. For both, keep to the facts, keep it clear and keep it simple. If you don’t feel you have the writing abilities to make your plan shine, then get help.
Poor spelling and grammar - Leaving spelling and grammatical errors in your plan only tells the reviewer that you are not paying attention to details and may not pay enough attention to the business. Use spelling and grammar checkers and let others review your plan to make sure there are no errors.
Too repetitive - Many times, plans will cover the same points over and over. A well-written plan should cover key points only twice: once in the executive summary then again in greater detail in the narrative of the plan.
Remove the Jargon - Using simple language is imperative to getting a technical business funded. Don’t think that by using complex terms that lenders/investors will be so impressed with your knowledge that they will whip open the checkbook. Businesses that can’t be understood don’t get funded. If you can’t explain your business to a sixth grader your chances of funding are in jeopardy.
Investors are really only interested in your technology if it solves a problem that people will pay for, is better than the competition, can be protected through patents and can reasonably go to market without spending a lot of money.
Keep the technical details out of the business plan and in the white papers.
Appearance matters - Make sure your plan looks professional. Use professional printing, binding, keeping fonts consistent and easy to read. The more money being requested means investing more time in making sure your plan will stand out from the crowd. Be careful that you don’t go overboard and give the impression that the plan is all style and no substance.
Length - A long business plan does not make a better business plan. All of the industry and marketing research won’t save a flawed plan. Too many plans have been immediately rejected because they are too long. Lenders and investors favor entrepreneurs who can efficiently demonstrate the ability to efficiently get to the point.
An executive summary should be no more than 1-3 pages. Ideally it should only be one page but some complex plans require more. An ideal business plan is 20-30 pages, including financials. Remember less is more!
Use operating plans, white papers and marketing plans for the in-depth details.
Fluffing - Using phrases like "unmatched in the industry;" "narrow window of opportunity;" or "ground floor" are empty phrases filled with hype. If anything, the cynical reviewer will be turned off by the hype and trash your plan. Stick with laying out the facts – what is the problem, how will you solve the problem, how big is the market, how will consumers buy it and what is your competitive advantage. If the opportunity is there the lender/investor will be able to make the decision for themselves.
Overvaluing the business idea - What gives a business value is not the idea but the execution of the idea. A great idea is a start, but almost everyone has had a great idea at some point in their lives. How you will execute this idea is what sets apart a real business from the dreamers.
4. Execution Mistakes
Waiting too long - Funding a business takes a long time. Expect three months at a minimum after finishing your business plan to get funding. Unless you have sufficient capital, other sources of income and can be funded in-house at a bank, this number may be reduced. Bank financing for business with less than two years of operating history are typically funded through an SBA guarantee, which requires additional time, patience and paperwork. Financing through investors is usually an even longer process as they have a lot of people competing for their money and they tend to do significant due diligence to secure their investment. Waiting until you need the money is a sure way to keep your business from launching.
Unreasonable time lines - Many business owners underestimate the timelines for completing milestones. Its human nature to think we can do things faster than is possible. When getting a business started there will be several tasks you could not have anticipated and the some tasks you think will be easy which will end up taking much longer. It is best to overestimate and finish early, rather than scramble and execute your opening poorly.
Failing to seek outside review - When preparing your plan, be sure that you have at least a few people review it before sending it out. Preferably look for people in your industry or who have a specialization in sales, distribution, etc that could lend a fresh set of eyes and find any flaws in the plan. Being so close to the action can keep you from being objective and this additional scrutiny may save you countless headaches and money down the road.
Perfecting - It can be easy to spend countless hours perfecting your plan and ultimately never launching. Remember, your plan will never be perfect and in practice should be continually updated as you learn more about the business, market and customers. Don’t make your plan an academic practice, finish it and get in front of investors and lenders. Use this feedback to see if your plan really needs the additional perfection.
Lenders and investors review hundreds of business plan every year and with every plan, lenders and investors become more cynical because the same mistakes pop up with regular frequency. With so much competition for a limited amount of capital, it is imperative to not make these mistakes.
1. Financials
Unrealistic Financial Projections - Simply saying that you are going to do $100,000 in sales is not enough nor can you simply say there is no way of knowing. Everyone knows there is no way to accurately come up with financial projections over the next three years, especially in a start-up. But, what is required in your plan is that reasonable assumptions are made and supported with research. By incorporating a detailed list of assumptions and how you arrived at your numbers, the lender/investor can judge your analysis and decision making process. If you are projecting to generate high sales outside of industry norms, explaining how you arrived at this conclusion is a must. Lenders and investors have seen many, many plans that claim sales are going through the roof once funded and as a result are very jaded at statements like this. Financial data that is inconsistent with industry averages and overly aggressive sales figures will raise flags. Explain every number.
Confusing Cash with Profits - Revenues do not always equal cash. For example, suppose you make a sale this month for $100 that cost $50 to produce. Assuming your buyer doesn’t pay for 30-60 and even 90 days if dealing with state or federal sources (and assuming they all pay), the effect on your cash flow is significant. Suppliers and employees still have to be paid for their work while you are waiting on payment from the buyer.
While you may not have a significant portion of sales coming from receivables, the timing of cash flows is critical for developing a financial strategy as cash flow is much more important than profits. Profits are an accounting concept while cash is money in the bank. If you don’t believe me try paying your bills with profits.
No Adjustment for Seasonality - All businesses are seasonal to some extent, some more significant than others. Seasonality refers to the percentage of sales that are made in a month. For example, most retailers have huge November and December sales and lousy January and February sales. Did you make enough cash during the good months to cover the slow months to cover salaries, rents and lights?
If You Build It They Will Come - Be careful in assuming once your doors open people will be streaming in to buy. You have a new, relatively unheard of business. This is a time when your business is particularly vulnerable as most of new owner’s cash reserves have typically been used to open the store. If sales projections are off during the first couple of months and you don’t have enough working capital to keep the lights on, you may be quickly going out of business.
Insufficient financial projections - Basic financial projections consist of four elements: Income Statements, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheets, and Cash Flow Statements.
For most businesses a three-year projection is sufficient, but if yours is a capital intensive one and will take longer to show profitability then use five. Actual figures are a must if you can get them and any number in the projections needs to be in the business plan narrative. If you are purchasing an existing business use the historical financials to show support for your sales figures.
No Quotes - Any significant expenses should have a quote accompanied in the appendix, especially for construction or remodeling as this is an area where most entrepreneurs slip as they do it themselves and greatly underestimate the costs.
2. Marketing
Failing to relieve the customer’s pain - Businesses are rewarded to make consumer’s pain go away. Pain can include; my car stopped working, my doggie is sick or my tax returns are too hard to prepare.
If your business plan can’t show how you are relieving the customer’s pain, then the chances for success in the marketplace is extremely limited.
Remember pain equals market opportunity. The greater the pain, the greater number of customer’s with this pain and the better you can relieve the pain equals greater market potential.
One Billion Customers Served - Claiming everyone needs your product/service will send a strong message to the reviewer that you don’t know your market and remove any credibility to your plan. In the good old days the shotgun approach to marketing could work as there were limited channels for advertisement. Today with unlimited outlets and more narrowly defined markets, this approach does not fly.
While it’s true everyone eats, not everyone will eat at your restaurant, nor could you effectively advertise to everyone. By researching the segments that are most likely to use your product/service and showing how your message will get to them will ultimately make your endeavor more successful. Having clearly defined target markets will show you have done your homework and be the cornerstone of a marketing strategy that can succeed.
We have no competition - Use this statement if your want your plan rejected. Every business has competition. While there may not be a direct competitor, meaning one that offers the same or similar product, there is always an indirect competitor.
Saying there is no competition tells the reviewer that you have either not done any market research or there is not a market for your product.
3. Organization
Writing For The Wrong Audience - A plan for a lender should be written differently than one for an investor. Banks are interested in seeing the likelihood that debts be repaid and investors are interested in the upside profit potential. Be sure to write your plan to your audience. For both, keep to the facts, keep it clear and keep it simple. If you don’t feel you have the writing abilities to make your plan shine, then get help.
Poor spelling and grammar - Leaving spelling and grammatical errors in your plan only tells the reviewer that you are not paying attention to details and may not pay enough attention to the business. Use spelling and grammar checkers and let others review your plan to make sure there are no errors.
Too repetitive - Many times, plans will cover the same points over and over. A well-written plan should cover key points only twice: once in the executive summary then again in greater detail in the narrative of the plan.
Remove the Jargon - Using simple language is imperative to getting a technical business funded. Don’t think that by using complex terms that lenders/investors will be so impressed with your knowledge that they will whip open the checkbook. Businesses that can’t be understood don’t get funded. If you can’t explain your business to a sixth grader your chances of funding are in jeopardy.
Investors are really only interested in your technology if it solves a problem that people will pay for, is better than the competition, can be protected through patents and can reasonably go to market without spending a lot of money.
Keep the technical details out of the business plan and in the white papers.
Appearance matters - Make sure your plan looks professional. Use professional printing, binding, keeping fonts consistent and easy to read. The more money being requested means investing more time in making sure your plan will stand out from the crowd. Be careful that you don’t go overboard and give the impression that the plan is all style and no substance.
Length - A long business plan does not make a better business plan. All of the industry and marketing research won’t save a flawed plan. Too many plans have been immediately rejected because they are too long. Lenders and investors favor entrepreneurs who can efficiently demonstrate the ability to efficiently get to the point.
An executive summary should be no more than 1-3 pages. Ideally it should only be one page but some complex plans require more. An ideal business plan is 20-30 pages, including financials. Remember less is more!
Use operating plans, white papers and marketing plans for the in-depth details.
Fluffing - Using phrases like "unmatched in the industry;" "narrow window of opportunity;" or "ground floor" are empty phrases filled with hype. If anything, the cynical reviewer will be turned off by the hype and trash your plan. Stick with laying out the facts – what is the problem, how will you solve the problem, how big is the market, how will consumers buy it and what is your competitive advantage. If the opportunity is there the lender/investor will be able to make the decision for themselves.
Overvaluing the business idea - What gives a business value is not the idea but the execution of the idea. A great idea is a start, but almost everyone has had a great idea at some point in their lives. How you will execute this idea is what sets apart a real business from the dreamers.
4. Execution Mistakes
Waiting too long - Funding a business takes a long time. Expect three months at a minimum after finishing your business plan to get funding. Unless you have sufficient capital, other sources of income and can be funded in-house at a bank, this number may be reduced. Bank financing for business with less than two years of operating history are typically funded through an SBA guarantee, which requires additional time, patience and paperwork. Financing through investors is usually an even longer process as they have a lot of people competing for their money and they tend to do significant due diligence to secure their investment. Waiting until you need the money is a sure way to keep your business from launching.
Unreasonable time lines - Many business owners underestimate the timelines for completing milestones. Its human nature to think we can do things faster than is possible. When getting a business started there will be several tasks you could not have anticipated and the some tasks you think will be easy which will end up taking much longer. It is best to overestimate and finish early, rather than scramble and execute your opening poorly.
Failing to seek outside review - When preparing your plan, be sure that you have at least a few people review it before sending it out. Preferably look for people in your industry or who have a specialization in sales, distribution, etc that could lend a fresh set of eyes and find any flaws in the plan. Being so close to the action can keep you from being objective and this additional scrutiny may save you countless headaches and money down the road.
Perfecting - It can be easy to spend countless hours perfecting your plan and ultimately never launching. Remember, your plan will never be perfect and in practice should be continually updated as you learn more about the business, market and customers. Don’t make your plan an academic practice, finish it and get in front of investors and lenders. Use this feedback to see if your plan really needs the additional perfection.
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